Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Introducing: Z

First and foremost, welcome to the world of Z the Baker.  What follows is the mental drippings of Z, a baker and pastry chef who, to the very core of his being, is tired. Tired of the industry to which he has dedicated so much of his life.  Tired of the delusions of grandeur, the egos, and the arrogance of his colleagues.  Tired of the politics of the business. Tired of the deceit. However, despite his bone-weary disposition toward the industry, his passion for the craft itself remains.  Z's love for the art of baking lives on- as the smoldering coals of what was once a radiant conflagration of hope and idealism- but it burns on none the less. 

Now, I can guess your foremost thoughts at this moment:  "That's all well and good," you're likely thinking, "but just who in the hell is Z, anyway?" Well...

Z is, essentially, me. He represents all that I have done, and all that I hoped to achieve.  He shares my memories, and has lived my dreams. Z embodies everything that I aspired to be, everything I wish I did, and everything that I feared I would become- he is every iteration of my life as a baker and pastry chef... past, present and future.  That being said, what follows is my own mental drippings, musings, and memories, as seen through the eyes of Z.

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